A precursor to American baseball, Rounders is played with a bat and leather ball. Two teams compete to score the most runs around bases or posts, after striking the leather ball with a short bat.
"Bennington" rules for Rounders or Base
- Striker: A person attempting to strike or hit the ball.
- Feeder: The person feeding (pitching) the ball to the striker.
- Scout(s): Fielders who attempt to tag, throw, or plug the runner(s) out. Usually there is a scout behind the striker to serve as a catcher.
The playing field is comprised of four "bases"; traditionally they were 3-4 foot tall stakes pounded into the ground, but can be just about anything. The field is roughly pentagonal, the striker does not bat from the fourth base (home), but a space between home & first base. The bases are spaced roughly as follows:
- First base, 6 paces from the striker's space
- Second base, 20 paces from 1st basevThird base, 15 paces from 2nd basevHome base, 20 paces from 3rd base

Basic Rules
- Infinite Swings. The Striker has no limit on the number of tries to hit the ball. The Striker keeps trying until the ball comes in contact with the stick.
- Ball Must be Fed Where Striker Wishes. The Feeder must throw the ball where the Striker wants it. If the Striker is unhappy with a Feeder, the Striker may request a new Feeder.
- Any Hit - RUN! Any time the ball contacts the stick, even a "tip", it is a valid hit and the Striker must run. The ball may be struck anywhere! The Runners at the base may begin running as soon as the ball is struck -- whether it is a good hit or an Out doesn't matter, once the Runner begins to run, KEEP GOING!
- Run Clockwise! Upon hitting the ball, the Striker runs clockwise around the bases. The runner does not need to touch any of the bases and may run anywhere as long as he passes outside of each base.
- Runner is Out. The Runner is out if he is plugged (hit with a thrown ball), tagged out while running, or the scout touches base the runner is heading toward with possession of the ball (thrown out). He is not out if he grasps a base (that he hasn't used before - see Rule 7) before he is plugged or tagged. Note: the Striker becomes a Runner as soon as he begins running.
- Bases Work Once. Once a Runner has touched a base, he may not let go of it & then grasp it again - it has been used up for that Runner. A runner can return to a base he has passed, but not touched. A runner is not required to advance if the ball is hit, and runners may be passed by other runners.
- In until Out. A player is "In" until he has been gotten out, but the "inning" can end even with runners on base. The inning ends when all players on a team have been up (whether or not they have been tagged, plugged, or thrown out).
- No Blockades. No Scout may get in the way of a Runner in an attempt to prevent him from grasping a base or proceeding around the base.
- A "Rounder" is scored when a runner (any runner) touches forth base (home).
- The game is over at the end of the number of innings agreed upon by the teams. Typically a game is two innings.

Conventions to keep the game civilized and manageable
- Hanging Out by the Base:
If the runners have all stopped running & are hovering near a base, and if the Feeder has the ball in his control back by his stone, the play shall be deemed ended and the Runners shall grasp the base & the next striker is up. If either the Runner has not stopped running or the Feeder is not in control by his pitching spot, the ball is still in play. If the runner lets go of the base but the ball is not in play, he must run on the next ball "in", but cannot be tagged, plugged, or thrown out until the ball is "in". - Pulling Up the Base:
If a Runner, in his or her exuberance, pulls out the base stake, that Runner is automatically Out! Notify someone of a loose stake before this happens to you. - Additional Rules can be made by mutual agreement of the players:
E.g.: if a striker scores a rounder without stopping (a modern day home run), the entire team is "in" again (gets another chance to bat), or a fed ball is "in" if it is hit or not, so runners can "steal" a base as soon as the ball is in. Remember, once a touched base is left, the player cannot return to it and be safe. - Obnoxious and Argumentative Players:
Certain players tend to get very upset when thing don't go the way they want them to; TOUGH! Feel free to ridicule them good naturedly. - Little Children:
Give them as much help and encouragement as you can. Help them have fun. If they hit the ball, Cheer! Don't plug them out just because you can -- "miss" them, fall down, drop the ball, help them run, whatever. Because, always remember the real reason we are playing this game.